June 10, 2015

The Brand is Back. PEERLESS is Again Open for Business

by Guest Blogger

Back in March, TRADEMARKOLOGY reported on how Corky Taylor and his son Carson are bringing back to life the PEERLESS Bourbon brand, a brand previously distilled by Corky's Great Grandfather, Henry Kraver, prior to the demise of that distillery as a result of Prohibition. For a refresher, click here.


During its heyday, the former Kentucky Peerless Distilling Company was the second largest bourbon producer in Kentucky. Ponder that for a moment; in this great state, known for it fast horses, beautiful women, and fine bourbon whiskies, Peerless was the penultimate provider of the libation! Much of the rich history of the prior PEERLESS and the re-birth of the new PEERLESS is set forth in the company's website. Check it out: http://kentuckypeerless.com/

Our prior TRADEMARKOLOGY post discusses and provides video for your reading and viewing pleasure of the filling on March 4, 2015 of Barrel No. 1 of the new PEERLESS Bourbon. (The former Kentucky Peerless Distilling Company last filled a barrel in 1917, just prior to Prohibition.)


Flash forward three months to today, and the PEERLESS facility is filling up with scores of barrels of bourbon and rye whisky now maturing through the requisite aging process which results in the splendid distilled spirits for which Kentucky is known.

Jack Bourbon Barrels

As of this morning, the PEERLESS distillery is now publicly open for business. The distillery, located right off the intersection of Main and 10th Streets in Louisville, is open for public tours, tastings, and has a splendid gift shop loaded with reasonably priced products we promise you will want to purchase to commemorate your tour. We sure did. Louisville's Mayor, Greg Fischer, today presided over the grand opening, To symbolize the event he hammered the bong into, and autographed a just filled barrel. Watch it here â


Although the bourbon has about 4 more years to age, the Rye Whisky 2, as we noted in our prior post, for our sipping pleasure in the meantime, PEERLESS plans were to provide assorted flavored moonshines under the LUCKY KENTUCKY MOONSHINEtm brand . Today is the day. PEERLESS has released the first flavors, Coconut Cream, Chocolate Pie, Green Apple Pie, and a flavor for which we are in the process of obtaining trademark protection, CINNAMON FIREtm.

Box Of Bourbon

In fact, they've got truckloads of it:

Bourbon Truck

The United States Patent & Trademark Office has already approved for trademark registration various brands to be used by PEERLESS including HENRY KRAVER,CINNAMON FIRE, SILK VELVET, and MADE WITH HONEST PRIDE. And various applications are pending to register other trademarks to be used by the company.

Now that product has gone to market, it will be a quick, simple formality to finalize the registration of the marks now in commercial use.

Jack And Lucky

We at TRADEMARKOLOGY salute Corky and Carson Taylor and everyone else at Kentucky Peerless. We wish you the best.

Cheers . . . Prost . . . Salud . . .Yung sing . . . Gom bui . . . Salute!



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